Horsham Clinic
Offers a 146 bed private behavioral healthcare facility serving Southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Provides comprehensive continuum to meet the individual needs of children, adolescents, adults, and their families suffering from emotional and behavioral problems and the effects of chemical dependency.
Programs and services are located on the main campus in Ambler, Pennsylvania, as well as satellite day hospital programs in Springfield, Pennsylvania, Delaware County and Bristol, Pennsylvania, Bucks County.
Programs and services are located on the main campus in Ambler, Pennsylvania, as well as satellite day hospital programs in Springfield, Pennsylvania, Delaware County and Bristol, Pennsylvania, Bucks County.
If addresses are confidential and not meant for the public, do not list them here.
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- United States
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Facility open 24/7
- For-Profit/Commercial/Cooperative
If addresses are confidential and not available to the public, do not list them here.
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Children's Program
Provides an inpatient unit for children four through twelve with severe emotional or behavioral problems. Generally, children are referred when they are unable to be safely maintained in the home or school environment. A comprehensive assessment and evaluation is completed to ensure appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Children who come to the program have a variety of problems including, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, bipolar illness, and other behavioral disorders.
A special team of child psychiatrists, mental health social workers, nurses, allied therapists, teachers, and counselors work together to develop the most appropriate treatment plan. Extensive family therapy and education is provided.
The Adolescent Inpatient Program also offers education and support on topics related to alcohol, drugs and risky behaviors led by a certified addictions counselor.
A special team of child psychiatrists, mental health social workers, nurses, allied therapists, teachers, and counselors work together to develop the most appropriate treatment plan. Extensive family therapy and education is provided.
The Adolescent Inpatient Program also offers education and support on topics related to alcohol, drugs and risky behaviors led by a certified addictions counselor.
Childrens ages 4 through 12 if unable to be safely maintained in the home or school environment.
The Horsham Clinic's Assessment and Referral Center provides confidential assessments 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Please Call
Ambler 722 East Butler Pike Ambler PA 19002
Bucks, PennsylvaniaCounty
Chester, PennsylvaniaCounty
Delaware, PennsylvaniaCounty
Montgomery, PennsylvaniaCounty
Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaCounty
Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia County
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Call for more information
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