Horsham Clinic
Offers a 146 bed private behavioral healthcare facility serving Southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Provides comprehensive continuum to meet the individual needs of children, adolescents, adults, and their families suffering from emotional and behavioral problems and the effects of chemical dependency.
Programs and services are located on the main campus in Ambler, Pennsylvania, as well as satellite day hospital programs in Springfield, Pennsylvania, Delaware County and Bristol, Pennsylvania, Bucks County.
Programs and services are located on the main campus in Ambler, Pennsylvania, as well as satellite day hospital programs in Springfield, Pennsylvania, Delaware County and Bristol, Pennsylvania, Bucks County.
If addresses are confidential and not meant for the public, do not list them here.
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- United States
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- United States
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Facility open 24/7
- For-Profit/Commercial/Cooperative
If addresses are confidential and not available to the public, do not list them here.
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Most contact information should be at the site level. Only add additional information here if it differs from the site.