Christian Churches United
CCU, HELP Ministries, HELP Ministry, HELP Office, VL377136
Administers the HELP Ministries and Susquehanna Harbor Safe Haven programs - those looking for services should contact those programs directly. Also supports Prison ministry at Dauphin County Prison/Dauphin County Work Release Center and coordinates Project ASK, an initiative to meet student basic needs in the West Shore School District.
If addresses are confidential and not meant for the public, do not list them here.
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- United States
Monday |
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Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
- Faith-based/Ministerium
HELP Ministries - Women and Non-Binary Persons Winter Overnight Shelter
CCU, Christian Churches United, Christian Churches United/Grace Methodist Church, Grace UMC, HELP Ministries, HELP Ministry, HELP Office, VL377136
If addresses are confidential and not available to the public, do not list them here.
, ,
- United States
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Most contact information should be at the site level. Only add additional information here if it differs from the site.