Perry County Office of Aging
Perry Area Agency on Aging, Perry County Agency on Aging, Perry County Aging, VL377294
Provides information and services on a range of assistance for older adults and those who care for them.
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- Government – city, county, state, federal
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Farmers Market Nutrition Program
Provides $24 vouchers to buy state-grown fruits and vegetables at local farmers' markets. Offers vouchers on a one-time only per summer basis. First Come, First Serve. Vouchers are available at all Perry County Senior Centers and the Perry County Area Agency on Aging.
Older adult residents age 60 and older with gross annual income within annually determined levels
Services free of charge
Duncannon Senior Citizen's Center 550 New Bloomfield Road Duncannon PA 17020
Perry, PennsylvaniaCounty
Perry County
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